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TikTok 3: Bahun Ko Pida

This is the 3rd video that went viral on TikTok. It had potential to cross 4 million views on TikTok. But since our TikTok ID was losing reputation during that time (due to copyright issue on very old videos, which we removed later), it only crossed 1 million. Here, Y represents my wife, and M represents me.

Bahun Ko Pida

M: आछ्छु आछ्छु जाडो भो ।
Y: बाहुनको टुप्पी ठाडो भो ।
M: नुहाउनै पर्छ के गर्नु ?
Y: TikTok मा बरू live बस्नु ।
M: बाहून को धर्म पाल्नु रे !
Y: समय सँगै चल्नु रे !
M: आधा दिन सम्म सुत्या छ !
Y: भूत आउने time मा उठ्या छ !
M: कली ले छोप्या दानव लाई !
Y: ढुङ्गा लाई ढोग्ने मानव लाई !
M: ईश्वर सर्वव्यापी छन् !
Y: देखेर कस्ले भन्या छन् !
M: पूर्खौली संस्कार गाँस्नु छ !
Y: पैसाको युग मा बाँच्नु छ !
M: पैसाले पुण्य किन्दैन !
Y: धन नभई खान मिल्दैन !
M: लौ लौ, जेसुकै गर् !

TikTok Link: Click Here

Composed On: September 20, 2023


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