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Showing posts from September, 2023

TikTok 2: Dashain Aayo (Part 1)

This is the 2nd video that went viral on TikTok. It crossed 3.5 million views on TikTok. Here, Y represents my wife, and M represents me. The words in small brackets "()" is the correct form of its preceding word which is usually spoken in wrong way. Dashain Aayo Y: दसैँ आयो । M: खाउँला पिउँला । Y: काँ पाउँला ? M: चोरि ल्याउँला । Y: भाको इज्जत गुमाउँला ! M: तैँ कमार (कमाएर) ले न त ! Y: दुःख दिन्न भन्थ्यौ त ! M: रथको दुई पाङ्ग्रा भन्थिस् त ! Y: मर्दको छोरो हूँ भन्थ्यौ त ! M: महिला पुरूष बराबर भन्थिस् त ! Y: hmm! माइत जान्छु आजै म त ! M: अस्ति फर्कि आकी थिइस् त ! Y: hmm! M: hmm! TikTok Link: Click Here Composed On: September 7, 2022